First Time Ever
It’s been a while since I’ve written to you… and here’s why.
I have, for many years, spoken about the importance of creating a portfolio of options trades; buying options, selling options, designed for up markets, designed for down markets.
I have been reticent to share actual set-ups; actual trades and focused more on guiding to principles.
Our new AI driven discovery is so compelling I just couldn’t resist. For the first time ever I’m sharing: the 140 alerts that can make a full blown portfolio of option trades.
Everyone’s got an opinion and an AI now. What’s so different about yours??
AI’s are machine learning programs. You give them data, and you tell them the results you are looking for. Without true expertise, you just train the AI to confidently make terrible trades. You need to be a true expert to get powerful results.
If you don’t know me, I am a former option market maker on the NYSE ARCA and CBOE exchange floors.
I am a former hedge fund manager. The model that drove the fund was part of an acquisition by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) which now guides over $1 trillion in assets under management.
I’ve been at the frontier of AI in finance before everyone crashed the party. For example, I presented on the main stage to close out the 2019 CFA Institute’s annual conference on Disruption to present the AI models I created and actual fund results.
Don’t just take my word for it:
- Rotman Journal of International Finance: Neural Networks and Supervised Learning
- Main Stage CFA 2019: AI and the Future: Disruption in Finance
I tell you this not because of the past, but because of the future. What I have recently discovered and implemented into TradeMachine is an anomaly. True trading edge that it seems no one else has discovered.
This is a serious finding and unlike the garbage on YouTube and various other social media claiming “miracles of AI,” I’ve done this before. It only happens about once a decade; it ain’t easy.
We do not, and cannot, I do not, and cannot, promise miracles of wealth. That’s all a sales tactic and borderline illegal. We do not promise that.
What we can promise is the domain expertise and background that is fundamentally required to make any such claims of AI breakthroughs and hard data of past performance.
When it all comes down to it, no financial platform is worth anything if it doesn’t get you to your destination: a successful trading career; as in the arc of a career.
Not just today, or this week, or this month; but next year, and the next decade. TradeMachine continues to innovate and evolve to be, what we believe is, the single most powerful options trading tool in the market to help you reach this goal.
Here is a small taste of what our members receive. This shortened video (17 minutes) below details all of this; and the trade alerts you can set to make the plan actionable today.
Below the video is the last chance to get TradeMachine for our Black Friday sale price and hand delivered alerts.
This 18-minute video can be the first step in your journey to a successful options trading career.
Try it
Get these trades, this platform, and change your option trading career – the long arc – by going here: TradeMachine
And Remember
Leveraging recurrent trends has consistently yielded robust outcomes.
Adding a filter for our proprietary AI measure increases win rates and average returns over both one- and five-year periods.
These results on these strategies span far more than the mega caps, and we discuss and share that research in this video.
To gain access to TradeMachine®, you can go here:
TradeMachine – The Who, What, Why, and How
Thanks for reading.
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